Mews Room
play_station, Te Whanganui-a-Tara Wellington
For Mews Room, the equipment used in sport falconry is examined and playfully remade alongside an oversized musical score. Bells used for tracking the birds become musical instruments, reproduction perches used in the specialised Abu Dhabi Falcon Hospital become places of rest for replica eggs, pattern pieces for protective gloves are left unsewn, and leashes left untethered. These objects are suspended briefly in their new states – temporarily reoriented alongside the lines of a musical stave and the rhythm of a pop song for an absent falcon audience.
tri-metal falconry bells #1-16 on leather bewits, 12 perches reproduced from photos of The Abu Dhabi Falcon Hospital, newspaper score of Nothing Compares 2 U by Prince (Sinéad O’Connor’s version) with image inserts, musical cover of Nothing Compares 2 U played on falconry bells, cast pewter coins corresponding to the notes in all the chords from Nothing Compares 2 U, replica eggs (Kestrel, Peregrine, Red-Tailed Hawk, Mallard, Pigeon), leather falconry glove pattern pieces, woven falconry leash with tassels, miniature glass rat figurines, yellow cotton net bag, faux rock speakers, silver plated chain net
Mews Room room sheet [PDF: 21kb]
Flocking, text by Jane Wallace [PDF: 3.3mbs]